



Excelsior MexicoDuran Duran The inspiration for the 'Rio" video came from a book that Russell owned.Foxy Lady by photographer Cheyco Leidmann.Based on very sensual women, was totally iconic of the 80s,with lots of color, very creative, playful. That work was the starting point for making the video. The photographs were provocative: jarring, high-contrast neon colors, surrealist images of girls on beaches with milky oceans, girls with razors and shaving foam giving an impression of bright and decadent sophistication. It was a surprisingly controversial, polarizing video. it became the most iconic video.
John Taylor,bass and guitarist of DuranDuran.
Adam Selman 
When it comes to the mega fashion force that is Rihanna, it's he that craft her looks. Where do the ideas for Rihanna's costumes begin? For the Loud tour I was super inspired by the photographer Cheyco Leidmann -all of those bright poppy colors he used in his work. Throughout the Loud tour, Debbie Harry also played a huge role. Adam Selman,designer,New York _____________________________________________________ I got in touch with your amazing work nine years ago in London , a Dover Street Market guy suggested strongly your book Foxy Lady as something
special and it was! From then is been a reference for me and, as you
probably have seen many times, to many others which took inspiration and sometimes just copied in FULL your work. ...big todays names as you probably know...;) But that is something to be very proud!!!
Giovanni Aponte, unFLOP Editor,Milan

...... I was, though, quite taken with the work of Magritte but wasn’t quite sure how it could be translated to photography because I thought what works in painting may not necessarily work in photography. I then came across the work of first Cheyco Leidmann, then Guy Bourdin. Leidmann’s work was graphic and very colorful and there was nearly always some sort of surrealist incident in them – a thrown cat or a stuffed zebra out in the desert. In one of his books he even had the technical details of each shot. I analyzed the pictures to try to work out why they were so super saturated. ... When I had eventually digested all this and finally went out to take pictures, it was these three people who were at the front of my mind: Magritte, Bourdin and Leidmann. Alva Bernadine ,London
With Winter just one step away we've decided to turn the heat up.For example ,we've got a red hot gallery of new photographs by Cheyco Leidmann.You've seen his work before and there are a lot of shooters trying to imitate his cutting-edge surreal style,but there's only one Cheyco. Zoom Street Gallery Back Street____________________________

Mika's addiction to color

In the past seven years one of the most acclaimed Japanese
photographer, Mika Ninagawa, published several books achiving
best selling success thanks to her unique style which may
remind Cheyco Leidmann's for the intense and saturated colors.

Veronique Leroy Fashion"Cheyco's photos and style of how women present it,inspired me for my collections." Veronique Leroy,fashion designer.
new collection….more/less inspired by klaus nomi and cheyco leidmann
KandieKlicke, HH

Now that I've had time to go through the 'TOXYTT' book several times, I can say out loud what a masterpiece it is.
I mean in 2009, Cheyco Leidmann is still pure avant garde, and totally connected to the present. Kids should learn from it - your work is more modern and relevant than many of theirs. Alex Jestaire,writer

"I had a visitor who was a student in photography in the 80' s when Foxy Lady came out and he told me about it, how strong it was because you were presenting a completely new style that didn't' exist before! "Sophie Grigliatti-Bey,Coordinatrice culturelle,ART Center, Epinal

Cheyco Leidmann qui expose des tirages anciens et récents Galerie de l'Europe au 55, de la rue de Seine
En 1980, j'avais aimé ces images agressives aux couleurs violentes, où les femmes hyper-sexy perchées sur des talons aiguilles, aux ongles rouges vifs jouent sur un décor américain: vitrines , bagnoles, et ciels bleu dur, macadam, piscines, palmiers, tous les symboles d'une Amérique mythologique qui s'étale à l'ouest. Leidmann développait à l'époque un univers pop, d'un hyper réalisme grotesque presque surréaliste. Les oeuvres récentes de Cheyco Leidmann sont nettement plus violentes, plus agressives et présentent le portrait d'une société hanté par la violence, des images qui renvoient aux névroses et déviances d'une humanité en liquidation. Jelin,Paris

I was much impressed by the strength and power of these images,by the quality and the vigor of your work.Stan Barets,editor,Paris
Cerrone also returned to the erotic album covers, using an existing Cheyco Leidmann photograph of a bare-breasted blonde in a lawnchair, and inserting himself in the photograph.

EPE..venez decouvrir un de plus grand artist de notre epoque...
Massimo Capodieci


Your pictures are worldclass.Christian Sebald,Cinematographer,LosAngeles
I am deeply impressed by your photography.
Eun-Joo Choi,editor,Seoul

estupenda imagen...me recuerda el color de las primeras fotografias de Cheyco Leidmann y su colaborador Von Nazareth, sombras durisimas y colores vibrantes, que le lanzaron al estrellato, en fin....un foton labruixa, un saludo.

Du coté de Cheyco...
Bon, comme c'est service minimum en ce moment sur ce blog, je vous propose d'aller découvrir l'un de mes maîtres photographes ici.
Une débauche de couleurs saturées à l'extrême bien avant le numérique, un univers provocant et jamais vulgaire, le peintre des cauchemars d'une Amérique qui n'existe que sous les néons...Brèves de Guadeloupe
Pour ouvrir cette section très colorée, Cheyco Leidmann s'imposait. Pour vous, ce grand chorégraphe de la couleur analyse et philosophe sur ces nuances de lumière et d'esthétisme que vous parvenez à maîtriser. Sim
Admire your unbelievable work. Willy Brunner,filmdirector,Munich
Cheyco was one of the strongest visual imprintings of my youth and I LOVE his pictures. When I was a 15-16 y.o. child I forged my visual/photographic imprinting for colors and perspective upon his stunning images from the series Foxy Lady and Bananasplit and my style in color pictures was always influenced by his mood.Marco Cavina,Scientist, Italy

....per il colore i riferimenti il mio amico Cheyco Leidmann al quale debbo molto per quanto mi ha insegnato. A Osilo,Italy
Je ne suis pas tellement le travail des photographes,mais si je dois me dire influencé
par quelqu'un,je dirai Cheyco Leidmann.
Cheyco Leidmann. J'aime beaucoup son travail .
Phillippe Chevallier,moitié du duo comique Chevallier et Laspalès.

Cheyco Leidmann, un coloriste, metteur en scène, provocateur, baroque et surréaliste !.. Sex & Color !Ca décape !
Bonne visites (mais pas beaucoup de tofs)


You are revolutionaries.I want to be part of the revolution.
Cindy King,actress,Los Angeles

Jasper Goodall currently based in Sussex where he teaches illustration at his old alma mater of Brighton University, has kindly taken some time to have a wee chat with Fiasco. What's inspiring you at the moment? Lots of strange fashion and product photography from the 80's like old Cheyco Leidmann shots....
-J’ai ainsi au cours de toutes ces années fait des dizaines de milliers de photographies avec une recherche permanente des couleurs pétantes, filtrées, plastifiées à l’extrême. Mon idole d’alors Cheyco Leidmann.
Mon évolution photographique = Passer de Cheyco Leidmann à Doisneau.Du net et ultra-net, coloré à outrance, à du N&B ou net ou flou.

What a tremendous amount of effort must have gone into the creation of these images!Congratulations of an bold,artistic idea.Randy Phillips,resortowner,Holualoa,Hawaii
Your images made a deep impression on me. -
Sandanori Nomura,writer,Tokyo
I rarely want to sit and watch a movie again and again. But I can pick up my copy of Ansel Adams Monographs, a Minor White collection, or my old dog eared Cheyco Leidmann book and enjoy a few quite moments.
Don Giannatti,Writer Arizona

Wow,wild stuff!Very cool. Genevieve Field, editor,New York
Spectacular work.Absolutely fabulous,I'll congratulate on the same.Keep inspiring. Jatin Kam,New Dehli

Thanks Cheyco! it's strong imagery, one step beyond...
Darius Koehli, gallery director,Barcelone

It's fucking shocking ! It's fucking good !! Well done !
It deserves a one man show world tour !!
Sergio Alvarez,entreprneur,Paris
Your work,it's stunning.Helps me think out of the ordinary.

Ed Swanzey,Bremento
Da vedere...da vedere... da vedere....da vedere... da vedere... da vedere... da vedere... da vedere... da vedere... da vedere... da vedere... da vedere...
Credo di essere stato chiaro. Mi è piaciuta .
Emanuele Broli,journalist,Milano
When I can, I try in general to advertise for M-Elen Mark, and Cheyco Leidmann, the King of Color saturation and one of the "madest" & most talented ULTRA-WILD photographers I've seen so far...:-) Marc G
Cependant, face aux très beaux modèles de Guy Bourdin et ses images polies, léchées, je préfère les tofs déjantées de Cheyco Leidmann qui reflètent sans doute les travers, angoisses... de notre monde ! Jay Dee

All amazing photographers. I think two of today’s greatest photographers are Andres Serrano and Cheyco Leidmann. DeadPostman
Não, não vos vou mandar ver um filme no Youtube, nem vos vou mandar ver um site. A imagem postada, é na realidadade "roubada" ao Youtube, mas é só por causa do "senhor" que lá está: Cheyco Leidmann. Acreditem, o senhor em questão foi um dos mais inovadores fotógrafos a nivel mundial, na década de 80. Eu nessa época admirei as suas imagens. Leidmann era genial, foi um dos percussores do que hoje chamamos "guerilla shooting", ou seja trazer iluminação para a rua. Fotografava a cor com grande e as suas imagens completamente encenadas, tinham uma cor incrivel e uma enorme força. Mas isso eram os anos 80....
Rui Soares Esteves ,Lisbon

As a result, you had red water middle of a normal scenary... Can you beat that ? Well, Cheyco Leidmann did, as he painted a complete hill in blue!!! :-) (By the way, too bad really that Photoshop wasn't on sale yet ! :-) As you might know anyway, Cheyco Leidmann uses natural backgrounds in the most unbelievable way, to basically oppose nature and a certain (sexy or foxy) culture - which always takes place in a pure paint-like environment...Mark
Le Figaro Toxytt exposition
C'était l'exposition qui m'a le plus inspiré. Cheyco Leidmann est un artiste de haute niveau qui a vraiment de chose à dire.Merci.
It was the exhibition that inspires me the most. Cheyco Leidmann is an artist of high level who really has something to say.Merci.
Martin, Paris _____________________________________________________
Alors ça n'a rien à voir avec les comics, mais cette photo de Cheyco Leidmann (exposé à la galerie Pascal Vanhoecke, 21 rue des filles du calvaire à Paris jusqu'au 18 octobre) à fait vibrer mon coeur de geek. Le justaucorps, la grosse ceinture, oui, j'avais l'impression de voir une super héroïne prendre corps dans une amérique de caravanes et de berlines. A noter la bonne initiative lors du vernissage jeudi dernier de faire jouer les Katzenjammer Kabarett (goth cabaret).
La peur qui remplace la réflexion. Des salariés maintenus sous pression persuadés que s’ils n’obéissent pas, ils se retrouveront sous les ponts comme les sans-abri, la peur est entretenue. Quand -Pourquoi êtes-vous pauvres ?- est sorti, à Paris une exposition de Cheyco Leidmann qui présentait -toxytt- de grandes photos aux couleurs très vives qui révèlent des gens très pauvres, la dégradation physique de l’ humain -le toxyttism- défini par l’artiste comme la perte de l’humanité.
Marylin Rolland
Vive y trabaja entre Paris y Miami. Famoso ya en los años ochenta por su tratamiento del color, tiene un largo curriculum de trabajos y publicaciones. Acaba de publicar "Sex is Blue", su séptimo libro (después de Foxy Lady, Banana Split etc.). Tiene un estilo reconocible de inmediato, por la fuerza de sus composiciones magistrales y sus colores hyper-saturados. Explora visualmente un mundo imaginario del sexo, con ironía e imaginación, llevándolo a una especie de tierra de nadie. Perverso, alucinante y extremo.
Aprés 20 ans d'attaques cardiaques à chaque lecture de Zoom ou Photo, je viens de trouver LE livre qui cloturera définitivement ce chapitre de ma quête ( oui, rien que ça) : Foxy Lady, de Cheyco Leidmann.
Gros choc des couleurs, compos sur fond de soleil fluo et ciel bleu électrique et bien sûr, pléthore de filles-objets, grosses pétasses en chaleur.
M.Leidmann sévit toujours, avec beaucoup moins de réussite : dépouillé du charme des 80's son style est juste vulgos et soit-dit en passant, le mec a l'air d'être un sacré connard. On s'en fout, le bouquin incarne une époque.