Cheyco Leidmann Foxy Lady exhibition Dec 3 -March15
Images from Cheyco Leidmann's groundbreaking 1980s series Foxy Lady are on view
in Eye to Eye, in the gallery's vault room. Leidmann's intensely colored and highly stylized
images ushered in a new and influential style of visually expressionism in the 1980s. He
sees his work as embracing the aesthetic tradition of l'art brut {low art}, eschewing
traditional standards of beauty in favor of a more authentic and humanistic approach to image- making. In keeping with the nature of the images in the Foxy Lady series, which were shot
on transparent film and with no manipulation, Eye to Eye displays the original images
unframed and raw, anchored to the walls with magnets. Leidmann has published several
books including Foxy Lady, which has become a cult classic. His work has been exhibited
in museums and galleries around the world.Accompanied by Ypsitylla von Nazareth,Leidmann
lives and works between Paris and the United States.
Miss Sixty -
Foxy Lady Fashion Line
< lightboxes
A Touch of Class
By Raul Guerrero ,novelist.
The Securities building lodged one of Miami’s largest financial institutions, fostering the real estate boom of the 1920s. Banking was not what it is now, of course. The world was still ruled by the gold-standard, and to attest that distinct past,CU-1 gallery showcases in the large vault a new treasure, the photography of Cheyco Leidmann.